Sunday, October 26, 2008

White Sapote

Got a White Sapote from the USF Botanical Garden Sale a couple weeks ago.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Gondules or Pigeon Peas are considered the national dish of Puerto Rico. We've been harvesting a bunch recently, which are delicious raw or cooked.

Sam's Punkhouse Papaya

My friend Tai Chi Sam the Gardener has some pretty cool gardens going on at various people's houses around town. He's got one in the back of the punk house down the street and just got his first papaya:

weird mushrooms in the garden

Loofah and Papaya!

What looks like bird shit on the fruit above is actually Papain, a milky sap that is used medicinally to treat digestive disorders, tenderize meats, and remove tapeworms from the body. It also makes a great facial creme. The Thai folks make a mighty fine papaya salad with the unripe fruit but I mainly wait for them to get big and orange and juicy and make some kickin smoothies!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gardening Update: 10.21.08

Well, it's been a hell of a month here in the gardening world. Here's what we got:

Yard Long Beans that we planted back in August mad produced. This is just a fraction of what we've been eating and giving to friends. We're on to the the second generation now.
The lovely Katie (before her departure to our colonized Pacific island paradise) models the beans here.

All the avacados trees in the hood have been kicking down some goodness: